Overdue interlibrary loans damage our reputation with other libraries and inhibit our ability to successfully borrow materials for all faculty, staff, and students. You will receive several warning notices before your borrowing privileges are suspended. Borrowing privileges are reinstated once an overdue item is returned unless we have received a final replacement invoice for the item from our lender. You will be notified via email when a final replacement invoice is pending.
Once the final invoice is issued, replacement charges and billing fees will be added to your library account and the item can no longer be returned. At this point, ILL privileges may be suspended indefinitely. Unpaid charges are transferred to student accounts and can inhibit registration, graduation, and transcript requests. Replacement charges issued by lending libraries typically far exceed the market cost of the item, and invoices are non-negotiable.
Answered By: Marcella Fredriksson
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024 Views: 11