How many times can I renew my checked-out items?

  • Undergraduate students may renew books from the General and Juvenile Collections up to twice, until the book is requested by another user, reaches the highest level overdue, or the student's library privileges expire. 
  • Graduate students may renew books from the General Collection up to twice (allowing a continuous checkout period of three semesters) unless the book is requested by another user, reaches the highest level overdue, or the student's library privileges expire. Books from the Juvenile Collection may be renewed as per the rules for undergraduate students.
  • Faculty and staff members may renew books from the General and Juvenile Collections up to twice, until the book is requested by another user, or the faculty/staff member's library privileges expire. 
  • North Carolina Resident Borrowers may renew books from the General and Juvenile Collections up to twice, until the book is requested by another user, or their library privileges expire. Resident Borrowers may not renew overdue material.

DVDs, VHS tapes, audiobooks, and CDs may only be renewed up to twice (2) by all users. New and Popular collection may only be renewed once (1) by all users. Periodicals, reference books, and course reserve items are not eligible for renewal. 

For more information, please see

Answered By: Marcella Fredriksson
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024    Views: 11

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